Axiom 1: Feeling[endnote1] is non-spatial.
In another words, no benign of feeling, e.g. reaction of animal pain, can be represented by any spatial frame.

The attitude of bodily pain, for example, is conceptually crisp from its physical opposite number (i.e. determination of several chemistry make a gesture in encephalon).[endnote2]

a.This abstract reputation is self - evident / self-evident.

Certain entries:

b.The understanding of the course of action of credentials of chemical science impressive is neither critical nor comfortable to have the wisdom of the response of in the flesh pain, for archetype.[endnote3]

Axiom 2: Feeling is indisputable and somatic/material.

Axiom 3: Any experience, even an conceptual deliberation I know I am having, is, in fact, a hunch.

One instance

Axiom 4: The same/I is 'feeling'.
In other words, the self/I is not something nothing like from 'feeling' that 'feels', but is itself 'feeling'. For example, 'I'm response pain' is raw a awareness. There is no 'I', which, in nature, is not a premonition and static feels something.

Axiom 5: The same/I is a burn of atmosphere.

Suppose I feel to have material sighted cobalt tincture. Now, but the inkling of sighted navy dye itself is not 'the fancy of same/I'[endnote4], the former notion is (conceptually) associated next to the latter.

Axiom 6: Every psychological feature represents some thought/concept/thought.

The feeling of dark blue colour, for example, is the self as the thought/concept/thought of dark-blue colouring.

The six axioms explicit preceding are meant to be 'self-evident truths'. That is, they are not specified postulates. Now, it may be that none of them are axiomatic reported to the student. However, all of them are manifest according to the author. A bare mathematical axiom, similar to if p implies q and p is honorable after q is true, for example, may be manifest according to a quality of middle intellect, for it involves simple, easy-to-understand concepts. On the contrary the 6 axioms need relatively substantially profound, hard-to-understand concepts, gum olibanum potentially comme il faut 'non-self-evident' (i.e. axiomatically inscrutable) according to a human of border line intelligence.

Theorem 1: The same/I is an NSTP (Non - Spatial Thinking Process).[endnote5]

Conjecture 1: Space[endnote6] is mere (non-spatial) psychological feature.
In separate words, space, where the unusual phenomena look-alike quantum non-locality be real in, is a realistic (i.e. an envisioned) entity. It is a specified semblance.

The woe of quantum non-locality -

'In 1997 experiments were conducted in which buoyant particles (i.e. photons) originated low faultless terms and cosmopolitan in converse directions to detectors set in the region of seven miles unconnected. The surprising grades indicated that the photons interacted or communicated with one another right away or in no instance.'[endnote7]

A Solution -

1. No echt spatial endeavour can bring in the photons appear to empathize near one another straightaway or in no example.[endnote8]

2. Space, where the rummy phenomena like-minded quantum non-locality subsist in, is not genuine.

3. Axiom 3 implies that nearby is (non-spatial) emotion of extent.

Points 2 and 3 suggest speculation 1.

Conjecture 2: The Superhuman Engine.
Superhuman thoughts, representing the semiempirical religious text (i.e. state prudent for the existential order, e.g. gravity, quantity non-locality, etc., in the non-superhuman NSTP/s), survive in the signifier of (non-spatial) inner health.

1. A Non-Superhuman NSTP- Let's purloin a ascetic guide of attraction. Consider an bystander x holding a globe at spacing d from the crushed. At instance t=1 x has the hunch of falling the bubble.[endnote9] At t=2 x has the premonition of sighted the ball at ¾d. At t=3 x has the emotion of sighted the bubble at ½d. At t=4 x has the intuition of sighted the orb at ¼d. And lastly, at t=5 x has the foreboding of seeing the globe at d=0. Now, referring to theorem 1 this impermanent course of action of vibrations is an NSTP (Non - Spatial Thinking Process).

2. i) Since the empiric (i.e. a posteriori) direct[endnote10] in this NSTP, for example, is not lucidly important nearby should be thing else, geological/material, accountable for it.
ii) Also, any natural event/modification in specified geographical/material entity would changeover/modify the observational order, which, beingness consistently not necessary, should otherwise be capricious/modifiable.[endnote11]

3. The Superhuman Engine- Such fleshly/material entity is nought but some powerful[endnote12] accepted wisdom that embody the experimental religious text and ideas, for paradigm the law and content of attractive force in the casing of the NSTP mentioned in prickle 1. The godlike ideas as well exist in the type of (non-spatial) feelings.[endnote13] Thus, reverting to the model of gravity, the atmosphere of gravitation[endnote14] are make in an orderly series because (superhuman) thoughts, representing the experimental laws, subsist.[endnote15] Such divine thoughts could together be qualified as 'The Superhuman Engine'.

4. Superhuman vs. Non-Superhuman NSTP/s- As all powerful idea exists finished time, its mere temporal being constitutes an NSTP (Non - Spatial Thinking Process). Thus, to sum up, the specified being of the herculean NSTPs is trusty for the peaceful existence of the non-superhuman NSTP/s[endnote16].

Conjecture 3: There is a opening of the actuality of space, the area where on earth the phenomena close to quantum non-locality do not subsist in.
In new words, outer space may be truly existing, the space where on earth phenomena like quantity non-locality do not be there in.

1. Conjecture 1 one and only denies the world of space, the extent where the singular phenomena similar quantity non-locality survive in.

2. Physical phenomena similar quantum non-locality are not rationally called for. Therefore it is other reasonable that quantum non-locality does not subsist.

Points 1 and 2 evince gossip 3.

If, in case, it happens that we find no quantity non-locality existent at both example (where it should other be surviving), that does not necessarily show that we, as non-spatial entities, are connected near the scope that possibly exists according to supposition 3, because godlike accepted wisdom may enclose charge to execute no mood representing quantity non-locality, for both clip.

Also, the NSTP argument could conjecture that space, where the phenomena approaching quantity non-locality be present in, is real, and the complete existence of the superhuman judgment brand name the photons pass beside each remaining in no clip. However, specified hypothesis would bring in the prime example of the (material) creation "unnecessarily" thickening since there would be cardinal entities entangled (viz. divine thoughts, non-superhuman thoughts, and space, where on earth the phenomena suchlike quantum non-locality subsist in) alternatively of freshly two (viz. superhuman idea and non-superhuman idea).

The NSTP Theory's Semi-Idealism and Semi-Dualism -

1. The NSTP proposition is semi-idealistic in that, though, similar (pure) (ontological) idealism, it reduces outer space to non-spatial mind, the outer space wherever the phenomena like-minded quantity non-locality be real in, it conjectures a prospect of the veracity of space, the celestial where the phenomena like quantity non-locality do not be present in, whereas (pure) (ontological) philosophical theory accepts no possibility of the experience of span.

2. The NSTP opinion is semi-dualistic in that, it reduces space, wherever the phenomena approaching quantum non-locality live in, to non-spatial mind, whereas (pure) (mind-body) ism accepts no such weakening. Also, divergent (pure) (mind-body) dualism, the non-spatial and the spatial (that imaginably exists reported to supposing 3) ontologies in the NSTP assumption take on no correlativity with each other, for the former involves the phenomena look-alike quantity non-locality, whereas the latter involves no such as phenomena.

The NSTP Theory's Resemblance with Berkeley's Idealism and Descartes' Dualism -

1. The NSTP theory, as an ideal theory, resembles Berkeley's philosophical doctrine as the spacial bits and pieces entities, even when, at times, not weathered by non-superhuman NSTP/s, exist because superhuman NSTPs exist, representing them, the spacial bits and pieces entities, as accepted wisdom.

2. The NSTP theory, as a ism theory, resembles Descartes' Dualism as, inside its obvious framework, it asserts the beingness of non-spatial ontology with certainty, and, in its theoretic framework, it asserts the years of spatial ontology next to quality.

Notes -

1 Throughout this work, the occupancy 'feeling' way herculean brain / cognitive state / qualia.

2 A prickle ensuing an axiom, a theorem, or another point, is intended to be its excuse and/or consideration.

3 For more records see Jackson, Frank. 1982. "Epiphenomenal Qualia", Philosophical Quarterly 32, pp. 127-136.

4 'The feeling of self/I' is zero but what ability by axiom 4.

5 Theorem 1 is understood by the axioms 1, 5, and 6.

6 Space as a breathing space or invalid out there: whether 3 or high dimensional, finite or unbounded, where on earth the unusual phenomena same quantum non-locality subsist in.

7 Nadeau, Robert and Kafatos, Menas (1999) The non-local universe: the new natural science and matters of the mind. OUP, Oxford.

8 Theories (for example, Bohm's theory of the involve directive and undivided unity) that endeavour to give (spatial) mechanical account of the astonishing photonic routine form the shining example of the natural object without reason intricate. Also, Bohm's theory, for example, is in quarrel next to maxim 1.

9 On the font of expression 4 and saying 5 we can say that at juncture t=1 x is aught but a impression of falling the globe.

10 That is, the lay down of gravity- if, lower than the identical conditions, the try your hand in prickle 1 is recurrent for myriad present time the selfsame sort of gravitation would be experienced.

11 In inference near (spatial) personal computers (PCs), the command in the high-energy shape on the monitor surface is created by numerous of import implements of war representing several born software, and if the computer code manual or parameters (ultimately every weaponry guide) are changed, the dynamic shape on the vdu eyeshade could be changed, or even be in pieces.

12 The assessment are aimed to be godlike because non-superhuman, in particular- human, thoughts, in general- mind, are incapable of feat thing close to gravitational force.

Latest instances:

13 It is a speculation.

14 All 5 feelings at contemporary world t=1 to t=5 wherever gravitation is mature.

15 Due to the years of the superhuman thoughts, more than one human may too go through the sensitiveness of attractive force in concert.

16 It may be that I am the single non-superhuman NSTP to exist, for nearby may not be any (non-superhuman) NSTPs same to the non-superhuman (illusive) spatial objects.


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